Podcast Cover

6 Pack Discussions

Sometimes the best ideas happen around a campfire in the middle of the woods while enjoying a cold one. In each episode, we break down a national conversation into something a bit more human; in...more

Latest Episodes

Episode 73: How should the US deal with the China Uyghur imprisonment?

January 03, 2023

Episode 73: How should the US deal with the China Uyghur imprisonment?

Did you know there is an atrocity happening in China that no one is talking about? Tune in the hear what's going on, how...



Episode #72: Stem cells are they magic, why the controversy?

December 27, 2022

Episode #72: Stem cells are they magic, why the controversy?

Stem cells are special in many ways, so why there is so much controversy about their use of them to treat some of the...



Episode #71: Virtual Signaling, does it actually do anything?

December 21, 2022

Episode #71: Virtual Signaling, does it actually do anything?

Cali Craft Co. Tiki Time Tropical Wheat ______________________________________________________________Episode Links: https://afam.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/barnor-hesse.html  https://freethepeople.org/new-virtue-signaling/ https://www.gallup.com/workplace/396593/avoid-virtue-signaling-embrace-culture-changing-dei-initiatives.aspx https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9268585/NYC-principal-sent-parents-pamphlet-asking-rate-whiteness.html https://nypost.com/2021/02/16/nyc-public-school-asks-parents-to-reflect-on-their-whiteness/ https://www.ocregister.com/2022/04/23/lets-put-an-end-to-the-politics-of-virtue-signaling/ https://aeon.co/essays/why-virtue-signalling-is-not-just-a-vice-but-an-evolved-tool https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/08/30/why-virtue-signaling-isnt-the-same-as-virtue-it-actually-furthers-the-partisan-divide/ https://www.insider.com/virtue-signaling-social-media-george-floyd-protests-racism-2020-6 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-52978780



Episode #70: What exactly is a recession?

December 13, 2022

Episode #70: What exactly is a recession?

______________________________________________________________Episode Links:_______________________________________________________________Have an idea for our next controversial topic, beer choice, or even an expert opinion on a past episode. Send us an email...



Episode cover

December 05, 2022

Episode #69: Inmate Labor: Real rehabilitation or just cheap labor for the state?

We all know prison's primary purpose is rehab, but oftentimes cheap labor is the normal practice within our prison system is that right? Tune...



Episode #68: Whats up with the 4 day work week?

November 29, 2022

Episode #68: Whats up with the 4 day work week?

Raise your hand if you want to work less and get paid the same amount of money!!! That is exactly what the 4 day...

